A bag of Mini Pretzels
A bag of Rolos (chocolate candy) UNWRAPPED
A bag of WHOLE pecans ( or cashews, walnuts)
Preheat oven to 350.
Spread the pretzels out on a baking sheet.
Put one Rolo on top of each pretzel.
Put into oven for 5 minutes, take them out of the oven. Don't walk away from your oven. The rolos only take 4 or 5 minutes to soften. The rolos won't look melted, they will retain their shape. Now push a nice, big, crunchy pecan down on top of the Rolo`s.
It should be nice and soft and gooey at this point.
Eat immediately or cool and serve. Makes a fun gift to give to someone!
What a delight that you are posting these goodies - another great one. I'm gonna follow suite and try these again. Blessings Cathryn
I love your recipes. Some are the same as mine but others (like this one) is similar but different.
Now I know what I can do with the remaining sack of pretzels from the candy I made!
I love simple and yummy! Thanks for sharing!
I love it!!!!
I made these for Christmas. They are all gone. Very easy and tasted great. I think someone should invent Rolo's that are unwrapped though! LOL Thanks for this great idea.
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