Good casing hog dogs - Koegels are the best for these coneys
Coney Sauce:
1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp margarine (he used all butter, since we don't use margarine)
1 1/2 lbs. LEAN ground beef
2 medium onions, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
3 Tbsp Chili powder
1 Tbsp prepared mustard
1 (6 oz) can tomato paste
1 (6 oz) can water
13 to 16 cheap, skinless hot dogs
Salt and pepper to taste
DO NOT brown the ground beef before using. Combine ALL ingredients, except cheap hot dogs, in a large pot and simmer until thick. Grind the cheap hot dogs in a food processor and then stir them into the meat mixture, cook 15 minutes longer.
Use over GOOD casing hot dogs, like Koegels, with chopped onion and mustard. The big secret in this recipe is the cheap ground hot dogs.
Your recipe sounds like the real deal. I hope yo don;t mind if we link to it from the Coney Detroit blog at
Joe Grimm
Hmmm, this sounds like a great meal to surprise my honey with! :o) I'll be sure to let you know how it turns out whenever we try it.
I have added this recipe to my September Menu. I found your site through a google search for coney dogs. I have a cooking site as well. I hope you can take a peek. adding you to my blog roll.
I made these and everyone loved them. will be blogging about them this week.
I'm a native Detroiter displaced to Fort Hood, TX thanks to the military. I made a friend here also from Detroit and all we've been doing is sitting around lamenting Vernors (which the local grocery store just started carrying!) and Coney dogs. I told him I'd look for a recipe but couldn't make any promises for authenticity. But I made these tonight, and they're fantastic! It snowed today, we have Vernors, and we have Coney dogs. Who says Michigan is so far away from Texas?
Vicki!! hahahaha I am so happy to help you folks! I LOVE this recipe. I had worked long and hard to try to perfect it, as I LOOOVE Detroit and Flint style Coneys. I am delighted they worked out for you!
We pray for our soldiers and their families....God bless you and have a Merry Christmas! Pastor Darren Tharp (the Husband) :)
Hi! A friend just e-mailed me your sight and I can't wait to try some of these recipes! I too am a Baptist Pastor's wife and I love to cook very much. I really appreciated the music of the Perry's on your site. We have been friends with the lead singer, Joe Habedank, for a number of years now. We met him when he was just a boy. We've had the privilege of being with him & his family on several occasions. Our family traveled and sang as his did so we crossed paths at Camp Meetings or Revival Meetings all across the country. What a blessing he is. He has such a heart for God and truly wants to please Him and do His will. One year we were traveling through Ohio over the Thanksgiving holiday and they invited us to stay with them. We also got to meet the Perry's on different occasions and they're just great! I'll let ya know how the family likes your recipes as I try them! God bless you as you serve Him. I'll be praying for you!!
I was born in the D and now live out west in Montana, this is really close to the real thing
I just wish you could get Koegels hotdogs here, When ever we go to
Michigan visting Family we always
have lunch at a National Coney Islands, Thank You for the Recipe
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